Cheekbones, Eyes, Face, Lips



Thanks to the variety of its formulations, hyaluronic acid can be employed to specifically treat several facial blemishes.

The face is how we present ourselves to the world. Having harmonious features and a young and radiant skin builds our self-esteem and helps our relationships with others. And if nowadays we feel good with ourselves and with others, it is also thanks to hyaluronic acid. The birth of injectables in the early 1980s marked a real revolution in our relationship with aesthetic medicine. From being a privilege of few, beauty has become the right of all. Interventions requiring hospitalization and long recovery times have now become treatments one can have done in the clinic during one’s lunch break. And the fear of not liking the end result knowing it is not reversible has given way to the satisfaction of immediately visible results which can easily be modified to the patient’s absolute satisfaction.

Forty years of hyaluronic acid-based gel is a sufficient period of observation to take stock and analyze its different uses:

Anti-aging treatments

Research has shown that epithelial cells begin to slow their production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid as early as the age of 25 to 30. This is why these treatments are recommended preventively especially in a young population.


It is a minimally invasive anti-aging facial treatment (in French “picotage” means “to pinch”). The doctor practices a series of hyaluronic acid-based micro-injections 2-3 millimeters deep in the papillary dermis – the superficial layer of the dermis that is richer in cells and is most affected by the harmful effects of sunlight. Picotage makes the skin immediately look younger and more luminous.


It is a regenerating anti-aging treatment that aims to help the skin in the production of collagen and elastin. It is recommended from the age of 30, when the first blemishes due to chrono-aging appear. It involves deeper micro-injections than picotage, reaching the reticular dermis, which is poorer in cells and richer in fibers. Other active components are generally added to the hyaluronic acid.

Treatments for remodeling, filling, and correcting facial blemishes

Thanks to the wide range of cross-linked hyaluronic acid present on the market today, fillers can effectively treat almost all facial blemishes. Nowadays they can even be suggested as valid alternatives to the scalpel to obtain a “soft lifting” effect. Here are the main areas that can be treated.

Treatment and elimination of wrinkles and furrows.

Facial wrinkles are not all the same, and as such require different products.

Lip fillers

The days of hypertrophic, “inflatable” lips are long gone. Nowadays, patients are more demanding and ask their cosmetic doctor for more a natural, better suited shape for their face type. In this field, no other molecule comes close to effects of hyaluronic acid.

Cheekbones and chin augmentation, face contour definition, filling of cheekbones and temples

With age, cheekbones lose their definition, flattening the face; temples hollow our; bone resorption occurs in the jaw, resulting in a sagging chin and loss of facial contour. In these cases, a face contouring treatment and the use of volumizing fillers are required. This type of filler is injected deep into the skin, and so reshapes and restore volume to the tissues by lifting them from the inside.

Upper eyelids lifting and correction of under-eye bags and dark circles

Over the years, the upper part of the face (forehead, eyebrow arch and upper eyelids) hollows out because it loses the fatty tissue that gives it volume and support. If one intervenes at the first signs, a hyaluronic acid-based filler is a valid nonsurgical alternative to blepharoplasty. By restoring tissue tone, it raises the brows and reveals the gaze once more. Injected in the suborbital area, hyaluronic acid can furthermore correct under-eye bags and dark circles.

Treatment of dimples, acne and chickenpox scars

To level out depressed areas of the skin, one suggestion is the association of hyaluronic acid possibly followed by ablative fractional laser treatment to remove the superficial layers of the skin. Hyaluronic acid acts by stimulating both fibroblasts and keratinocytes, thus regenerating the skin, improving its texture, and reducing the depth of the scars.

Rhinofiller for nasal blemishes

If the issue is exclusively an aesthetic and non-functional one, a rhinofiller can often replace surgical rhinoplasty. Hyaluronic acid fillers can be injected into three points: at the root of the nose, to level out a “hump”; at the tip, for an upturned nose effect; or on the bridge, in the case of a so-called “saddle nose”, which may have indentations or gaps to be filled, maybe even a vestige from a previous unsuccessful surgical rhinoplasty.

The duration of the results of a treatment also depends on our habits.

The latest hyaluronic acid fillers offer an ideal balance between the patient’s needs and the duration of the results. However, it should be remembered that how long a treatment’s effects last also depends on our habits. For example, by maintaining proper hydration (drinking a liter of water a day per 20 kg of body weight), we will slow the absorption of hyaluronic acid by the body, and the effect of the injections will be longer-lasting.

On the contrary, excessive dehydration causes the hyaluronic acid to be absorbed faster. It is therefore better not to smoke, drink alcohol in moderation and not expose oneself to UV rays excessively. And if you enjoy exercising, do so by all means, but avoid exposing your body to an excessively tiring and dehydrating tour de force, like a marathon. Hyaluronic acid teaches us that balance, in health and beauty, is everything.
